Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jack Rose (1971 - 2009)

Jack Rose passed away this past December, and I didn't know until now. Almost two months later. He was an amazing ragtime, blues and Appalachian style guitarist, who often played the guitar on his lap. His notes per second count was pretty freakin' high. He was always smiling, and you can tell on his recordings that he loved to play and from his photos that he was happy with life. He died of a heart attack. Jesus. (kinda looked like a big jesus) I have listened a lot to his album Kensington Blues, which came out in 2005, I believe. His last album is coming out soon, titled Luck in the Valley. Craig over at the Silent Ballet wrote a nice review up about it, and it sounds like the best Jack Rose record to date. Can't wait to hear it. Sad to see such a nice man go. Here is that man playing "Kensington Blues":

And another:

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